She will just sit there for minutes on end, until someone rescues her. But today she mastered this task and is able to successfully climb onto our extra tall bar stools. Just like a little toddler adult.
Our days start about five am, around the time daddy has to get up for work. She politely knocks on her door, I get up to rescue her. We walk holding hands to my room. She crawls into bed with mommy. Saying, "down" meaning, up. Usually with a "bebe", AKA binkie in her mouth. She cuddles with me sometimes she goes back to sleep with me and we sleep in sometimes as late as 8:30 (theses days are rare but well deserved). Then we watch "toons" (cartoons) in bed until one of us gets bored. Breakfast, letting the dogs out together. She scoops up a handful of dog food and throws it out the slider, which she can open if it's unlock. She can also get into the pantry and help herself to snacks. Cartoons she loves are; word world, curious george, martha speaks, sesame street, sid the sciend kid, and dinosaur train.
If it's nice we play outside in her kiddy pool, while I pull weeds, do projects or just soak up some sun. Or I just take a thousand pictures of her do this...
Then there is or typical naked top ramen lunch. More noodles end up on the floor then in her mouth.
After noon nap, awaking just in time for daddy to get home. Today we went to the BUG MUSEUM.....
She liked the chalk board best, another reason I should paint a wall for her.
We came home with a free caterpillar, that will eventually turn into a butterfly. (VALPAK, had a coupon.)
Check out their website HERE.
Open Daily 10-6, Free admission
1118 Charleston Beach Rd W, Bremerton, WA 98312
It was busy, lots of kiddos.
I wanted one of these, but didn't buy I'm trying to be good. $20.00 All recycled material, it's a butterfly house.