Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall is here

So we all recovered from a brutal stomach bug.  Sawyer got sick Saturday night, myself Monday and Tuesday Jake got sick.  It was awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  We are better and Fall is here.  We have kept busy this Summer alright and I haven't been blogging much.  Just to catch you up.  Sawyer had her follow up appointment with her regular doctor and she got a clean bill of health.  No speech problem what so ever.  People just expect more out of her because she is so tall, even nurse practitioners.  She told us Sawyer talks better than her three year old.  She sent us home with the 24 month eval and we will check again when she turns two.  EEK a two year old, where has the time gone?  So depressing.  But at the same time I am so proud of her because she is learning and getting so much brighter every day.  Thank God for an awesome pediatrician and a beautiful perfect baby girl, don't know if I could have survived the last couple years without either one.  Jake is excited for hunting season.  I started teaching boot camp!  I also go back to school November first at WGU and am getting my BSN degree online and everything transferred.  I only have to take nursing classes!  All those hours spent at O.C. payed off.  Other than that we are doing fabulous. 
Here's our girl.  At Aunt Leslie's, where we spent most of our Summer.

Check out the new and improved BCD website HERE.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Let's play catch up...

Sawyer had her first episode of puking.  She never even spit up as a baby.  Always kept everything down.  She had a snot face for like three days and was totally fine, thought she had a UTI (that went away on it's own).   So this was foreign  to me.  Then Saturday night, well actually Sunday morning at 2:17am, Sawyer had vomited up her hot dogs and s'mores all over her bed.  So I cleaned her all up and was like well ok, she had some water and breast milk and laid right back down and went to sleep at 2:37, she puked up more and by this time I knew she was sick.  So we moved out into the living room, I went through three shirts and I just let SJ rock a diaper, and we went through my whole pantry of clean bath towels.  It was awful about every 20-40 minutes she was hurling up her stomach contents, until nothing was left.  After she'd puke she would rub my arm and say, "Sorry mah".  Poor girl.  Then she would go back to sleep and wake up puking again.  I would have taken her to the ER, and I work in one but there was no way I was putting her in a car.  I knew she was sick.  She couldn't keep anything down, she would just puke it right back up.  Then she looked a little better by daylight and slept a good two hours from 8am to 10am.  She would only drink water but would puke it right back up about ten minutes later. She would walk around the living room and then just put her head down on the coffee table.  I was so sad to watch.  By noon she was able to keep sips of water and some breast milk down.  I thought at first she just played too hard the night before, swinging on this huge swing set, Jake's parent had, because I know how motion sick I get.  But then today is Monday and she is eating a little more and drinking she still isn't 100%, but she had two bouts of diarrhea.  Poor baby.  I figured it wasn't the stomach flu because I definitely got some of her puke in my mouth, but knock on wood, I never got sick.  No one else in the family is sick either, that I know of.  Except maybe baby play group.  Grrh.

Friday, September 16, 2011

UTI turned speech problem...

So I was convinced SJ had a urinary track infection.  She was completely potty trained, like no accidents for four days.  Just decided to go the little green potty of hers that has been sitting in our living room since she turned one.  Started with pees and proceeded to go number two's as well.  No pressure from mom at all, she would just rip her diaper off and go.  I gave up on trying month after month, because she simply wasn't there yet.  She also has joined a baby play group on Tuesday and Thursdays, lots going on.  I wasn't brave enough to go out in public without diapers.  I would always just take her in diapers or just let her be naked in the house.  Then she started screaming when she peed and grabbing her diaper and saying "ouch'.  It was intermittent but then on day four, I was like your going the the doctor, she also regressed back to not using the potty at all.

I took her to a different doctor, then next day because hers wasn't in.  They wanted to cath her for a sample.  I refused being a nurse myself I find it very unnecessary to traumatize a child with that when all you need is a lousy urine sample.  She wasn't able to go so they sent us home.  That was so annoying to me. They doctor told me that I shouldn't force potty training because she is too young and to stop giving her bubble baths...grrrr....if they knew Sawyer, nothing is forced.  She does what she wants.

Then while Sawyer threw herself on the ground having a temper tantrum.  The doctor asked my..."Is this how she talks?"  UH...yeah?  "She is way behind, she should be speaking full sentences by now and she doesn't pronunciant either.  You should make an appointment with her primary doctor right away and get a speech referral...I know that's not why you came but it needs to be addressed.  Just make her two year old appointment early, she doesn't get shots so she can be seen early."  She does, she talks really fast and uses jubberish talk..and says the first part of the mom, is mah, cheese is chee, milk is mil, the list goes on....

Like I don't have enough to worry about.  I cried all the way home.  I have always worried about her activity, she's always been really busy and stubborn not at all like any other babies her age.  But always way ahead and smart for her age.  She still randomly grabs her diaper and says "ouch" but doesn't have a fever and uses the potty sporadically.  One step forward and two steps back.  After talking with Jake we don't think there is anything wrong, I think people expect too much out of her because she looks way older.  She will be two November 3rd, I keep saying she's one.  Because it won't be long before she is two.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Picking blackberries

Summer is almost over.  It went by so fast.  We have enjoyed our summer days and nights together as a family.  Picking blackberries in our own back yard.  We are so blessed to have nice weather and time together.  Our little girl is going to be two this Fall.  It went by so fast.  She is growing up and learning and becoming quite a nice girl.  She gets easier, good listener, and follows directions, talks up a storm.  She is potty trained, almost, mostly at home with mom.  It's a little harder with daddy and leaving the house.  Don't know if I am brave enough to put her in undies just yet. 

Got her this cute strawberry outfit for Halloween, can't wait to put her in it. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I feel like tooting my own horn. 

I recently passed my IFA certification to become the new instructor for the Belfair location Boot Camp Diva

I just passed my entrance exam for Western Governor's University!  I plan on getting my BSN degree online.

Time to do this!

Can someone please buy me this or at least put this on my head stone?

Couldn't have done it without....
oh yeah and my mom....
Just have one more test to pass...not looking forward to that one.