So we all recovered from a brutal stomach bug. Sawyer got sick Saturday night, myself Monday and Tuesday Jake got sick. It was awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. We are better and Fall is here. We have kept busy this Summer alright and I haven't been blogging much. Just to catch you up. Sawyer had her follow up appointment with her regular doctor and she got a clean bill of health. No speech problem what so ever. People just expect more out of her because she is so tall, even nurse practitioners. She told us Sawyer talks better than her three year old. She sent us home with the 24 month eval and we will check again when she turns two. EEK a two year old, where has the time gone? So depressing. But at the same time I am so proud of her because she is learning and getting so much brighter every day. Thank God for an awesome pediatrician and a beautiful perfect baby girl, don't know if I could have survived the last couple years without either one. Jake is excited for hunting season. I started teaching boot camp! I also go back to school November first at WGU and am getting my BSN degree online and everything transferred. I only have to take nursing classes! All those hours spent at O.C. payed off. Other than that we are doing fabulous.
Here's our girl. At Aunt Leslie's, where we spent most of our Summer.
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