Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Baby Boy or Number Two

I haven't done one single thing for this for planning, preparing, decorating ect.  I did take some infant boy onsies from Sawyer's preschool from the free bin but that is about it.  I even felt a little guilty about it, thinking we make a little too much money for free lunches and such.  I have a terrible cold and I know the only way to get better is "do nothing" expect roam the Internet and decorate the baby room in my head.  Even though we can't afford everything I want and we barely paid our mortgage this month, it's still fun to dream.  I wish I could make a collage all fancy like, but I am not the best with computers.  So here is the what's been going on in my head the last couple days.  I plan to decorate the room around this adorable bedding.   

Any ideas for a rug or another color to throw in there?  I want to make a mobile too.

Something like this, what do you think?  I have some old drift wood from the ocean, and an abundance of fishing line.

I plan on putting this picture on the wall.

This is one of my besties (Sarah B.) photos and I plan on putting it in a big chunky frame.

A cute lamp, that is way too expensive.

Land of Nod

Goodwill I am sure has a cheaper lamp, I could paint and re do the wiring (even though I don't know how).

Land of Nod

I like these curtains, but am thinking I could get cheaper ones (IKEA) and I think that would be a little too matchy with the crib bedding.  I like white curtains, to let a little light in.  Maybe I could add some ball fringe.  I saw this done somewhere and of course I didn't save it.   

Land of Nod

I love love love this ceiling light fixture.

I even think I finally decided on a diaper bag....

One sale for $92, and I am getting a 20% off coupon.  Score. 

What do you think mom.....??? 

I am still taking suggestions for another color to add some pop and I would really like to get a rug but am too scared to be mixy matchy while making it still look good. 

It's a start....oh I almost forgot paint colors....

One of these beautiful colors.

I also have Jake's old stuffed animals from when he was a kid, I plan on shelving somehow. 

We also have a pair of antlers, needing a good home.

Too much, Nah.

And only 18 weeks to finish.

Ready, set, go....I wish it was that easy.

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