Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wetlands Nature Trail

Even though it was cold, Sawyer and I checked out the wetlands trail in Belfair.  (This was a couple weeks ago now.)  We have lived here all this time and never gone.  I put her in the stroller all bundled and we did it.  It was so much fun she kept pointing and saying, "Ooohh!"  She is so cute and was such a trooper because it was so cold, her nose was very red at the end of our walk. 
She kept kicking off the blanket and saying, "No mama."  She wouldn't wear her hood or a hat. 
So pretty and only like five minutes from our house.  Would love to walk it on a sunny day.  It was a little work out for me, I am guessing it is at least a mile out.  And the way back is up hill. 
The end.

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