Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Easter is coming...

A couple of photos, to get us all inspired for Easter.  They are all from Martha's site, I stalk her website daily.  We plan on having an Easter dinner at our house for the first time this year, can't wait. 
Only if we used cloth napkins?
 Egg cups are like the greatest invention.  I bought two white ones at QFC, can't wait to use them. 
I'm still trying to figure out how you crack my eggs like this?
Crete paper is so fragile, I could never make them look this good.
 Seriously can someone find me a giant egg like this, I would have it up year round?
I love these tissue flowers, I see them every where. 
 Too amazing not to share twice.  You can also see them HERE.
See my favorite things that are yellow, HERE.
Im so doing this. 
See my sweet Easter wreath HERE

Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

HitsPanicButton said...

There's an egg snipping tool to cut the tops off of soft-boiled eggs. I'll find it for you. A fun project for SJ: Clean out your egg shells and plant grass seeds in them. Draw faces on them and cut their 'grass hair'. Eco-friendly Chia People!! xoxo